What is the Age Limit for Participating in Youth Programs in Fullerton, California?

Are you looking for a youth program in Fullerton, California that is suitable for your child? If so, you should be aware that there are several options available for children of different ages. The age limit for participating in these programs varies depending on the program. The OC YMCA offers a membership for currently enrolled students between the ages of 14 and 23 with proof of educational enrollment. This membership allows members to use the entire OC YMCA facility.

In addition, the YMCA provides early intervention services to Orange County residents between the ages of 12 and 25. This program offers children the opportunity to learn through enrichment programs that focus on the STEAM disciplines: science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics. The YMCA Child & Youth Development Program provides opportunities for children to learn, grow and thrive as they progress from K-8 before and after school. Last year, the SRC saw an increase in enrollment with 1,200 children aged 4 to 12 joining the 9-week program.

The program also includes a Parent Handbook, Secondary Education Program, YMCA Financial Assistance Program, Spanish Update Form, Emergency Contact Form, EFT Form, Change Form and Withdrawal Form. The Y Inclusion Program provides personalized support to children with special needs while they attend local after-school programs in Orange County. The Learning Bridge is a structured academic enrichment program that reinforces the concepts taught in your child's classroom according to state and district standards. Associate students also provide members of the campus community with significant social, cultural and recreational opportunities as well as a wide range of programs and services.

The program consists of Parent and Me, Tiny Tot and a 5-level experience for children from around Orange County. As an expert SEO consultant, I recommend that parents who are looking for youth programs in Fullerton, California should be aware of the age limits for each program. The OC YMCA offers a membership for students between 14 and 23 years old with proof of educational enrollment. The YMCA Child & Youth Development Program is suitable for children aged 4 to 12 years old. Finally, the Y Inclusion Program provides personalized support to children with special needs between 12 and 25 years old. It is important to note that these age limits may vary depending on the program and it is always best to check with the organization before enrolling your child in any program.