Youth Programs in Fullerton, California: Meals and Snacks for Kids

California Food Policy Advocates (CFPA) is a statewide advocacy and public policy organization that works to raise awareness about youth food insecurity and connect extracurricular and summer programs to summer food options. CFPA has identified best practices of programs that serve meals in their after-school programs across the state, including the Oakland Unified School District, the South Bay Unified School District, and the Silicon Valley YMCA. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service has recently issued new guidance to expand flexibility and allow participants in the at-risk after-school component of the Food for Child and Adult Care Program (CACFP) to take certain foods out of the workplace. This policy is often referred to as the Traveling Apple Policy. The California Department of Education (CDE) requires that all refreshments provided to students in their after-school education and safety programs (ASES) or in federally funded 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) programs must meet, at a minimum, the California nutrition standards. CFPA also provides resources on healthy snacks, nutrition education, and physical activity for extracurricular programs.

The California Summer Meals Coalition is a statewide network dedicated to combating childhood hunger and obesity by increasing access to USDA summer food programs. In conclusion, there are many youth programs in Fullerton, California that offer meals or snacks. The USDA has released new guidance to expand flexibility for participants in after-school programs, while the CDE has established nutrition standards for refreshments provided in after-school programs. CFPA and the California Summer Meals Coalition provide resources on healthy snacks, nutrition education, and physical activity for extracurricular programs.